
A Babylon 5 on-line "webzine", from the gang at Sockii Press.
First launched: January 16, 1998
Last updated: December 17, 1999
Welcome to The Lurker's Den, a site dedicated to Babylon 5 related fan-fiction. We would like you to think of this site as more than just a fiction "archive", because these stories are submitted, edited, and presented with the same care and attention to quality that we put into our paper-based fan-fiction publications.
PLEASE NOTE: The stories contained on this site may NOT be posted on any
other web sites. The authors have agreed to have them published on this site only.
You are welcome to link to this site, but only to this main page--please do not
link only to a specific story.
What's new...
In Memory, by Nightcrawler.

WARNING! You are now about to enter The Lurker's Den. Station Security advises you proceed with caution--it can be a dangerous place. Please chose your destination accordingly:

Tales suitable for general audiences.

Tales suitable for mature audiences only, due to mature themes and/or explicit content. Contains "slash" fan-fic.

Contact the Lurker and other residents of the Den via Babcom with your critiques, commentary, and submissions. Also find out how to sign up for the Den's announcement list.

The Lurker can arrange for your transport to other sites of interest via the Jumpgate.

"Babylon 5" and all characters and images from the series are copyright and trademark 1992-1997, PTN Consortium.